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10 APR 2024: MJ Boice

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Tactical Treasures Podcast

17 APR 2024: Nicole Bryan


Up Next in Full Episodes

  • 10 APR 2024: MJ Boice

    Today's guest: MJ Boice, MilSpouse - Marine Corps (Ret) and MSOY Alumni! Tune in to this episode to hear about
    MJ’s very special Tactical Treasure, Her work advocating for military and veteran family quality of life issues and about the how being a member of the National Military Spouse Network h...

  • 04 APR 2024: Haley McClain-Hill

    On this episode of Tactical Treasures, Tracy speaks with
    Haley McClain - Hill, Air Force Veteran and Founder & CEO of Torch Warriorwear!

  • 27 MAR 2024: Andi Ward

    On this episode of Tactical Treasures, Tracy speaks with
    Andi Ward, who served as a Construction Electrician with the Navy Seabees! Tune in to this episode to hear about
    Andi’s amazing Tactical Treasure, the great work that she is involved with at Merging Vets and Players non-profit, and about th...