Kill, Die, Laugh
3 Seasons
(3 seasons)
Making light of the usually serious things that happen in the military, we hold a mirror up to the chain of command in an attempt to unravel the hypocrisy within its ranks. It may not have been the most pleasant experience, and many carry that with them for the rest of their lives, but here is the show where you can let loose, laugh, and have a sense of pride over that time of your life.
18:06Episode 1
Planet Service
Episode 1
Saddle up with an attractive "British" voice narrating the gloriously ridiculous scenarios encountered by the United States Armed Forces. An episode unlike any other, viewers get a unique look into a world very few have ever witnessed, and even fewer will want to see again.
Watch all the seasons...
17:14Episode 2
Military Justice
Episode 2
When a serious accusation of sexual assault comes up, the chain of command does its best rendition of sweating the small stuff. Nothing will stand in the way of First Sergeant Cortez taking every detour possible to avoid dealing with the most important issue at hand. Whether you simply stole a no...
12:18Episode 3
Base Rescue
Episode 3
In a parody of Bar Rescue, when Marine Corps units lack leadership and discipline, the Corps sends in Sergeant Major Taffer to square them away. Sergeant Major Taffer is an expert on Marine Corps standards and practices and will do whatever it takes to transform immature boots into high-functioni...
10:43Episode 4
Ghost of Airmen's Past
Episode 4
In a parody of A Christmas Carol, the legendary Ghost of Airmens's Past is summoned when the dangerous words "I love you" are uttered too soon by another Airman stuck in Tech School. Join the ride as Ghost drags young Airman Bender through the future in an attempt to stop him from marrying a girl...
14:08Episode 5
Space Force Part 1
Episode 5
Lance Corporal Lovecraft has been awakened 100 years in the future aboard a Space Force cruiser in deep space. However, the Space Force is nothing like he had ever imagined. He struggles to adapt to a brand new world, the rules and regulations, and the creatures that live among us.
Watch all th...
11:28Episode 6
Space Force Part 2
Episode 6
In part 2 of Space Force, Lance Corporal Lovecraft gives in to temptations aboard the ship and faces the consequences. On the brink of losing all hope in the Space Force and the future of humanity, Lovecraft is thrust into a situation that could change the course of Space Force forever...