Combat Center
The world wide leader in combat sports news covers live post battle reactions from today's matchups.
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Department of Offense | Barracks Party
Ready to party!? It's gonna be a rager!
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Meanwhile, in the Barracks | Dummy LT
What's that LT? You want us to field day after everyone's secured? Roger that....
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Meanwhile, in the Barracks | Walking The Mile
Dead man walking...
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Meanwhile, in the Barracks | The Swoop
Oh, the Horror of leaving someone alone in the Barracks.
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The Big Flopper | EP01
Pvt Denman learns the moral value of patience.
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Mat Best and Rocco Vargas Part 1 | EP10
Mat Best and Rocco Vargas deliver part 1 of The Private's Revenge!
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Department of Offense | WW2 Stories Pt 1
The real, raw version of "Band of Brothers."
This is from episode 13 of Department of Offense. Watch the whole series here:
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Department of Offense | WW2 Stories Pt 2
The real, raw version "Band of Brothers."
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Meanwhile, in the Barracks | The Gangs All Here
These guys know how to make love not war.
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Tonight Wing Chun
A Private First Class is practicing some Wing Chun training techniques, but his roommates tell him he's wasting his time. They put the training to the test.
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Blue Falcon Down
When a soldier tries to get out of deployment, his roommates decide to have some fun.
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Meanwhile, in the Barracks | Project Tampon
A female Boot gets sent on a mission.
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C.I.F. Hero | EP07
A war hero rolls into C.I.F. ready to give his life before paying a cent for his issued gear.
Reach out and text someone you served with, social connection saves lives.
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Meanwhile, in the Barracks | Medical Emergency
When something gives you worse PTSD than Fallujah.
This is from episode 7 of Meanwhile in the Barracks. Watch the whole series here:
https://veterantv.app.link/meanwhile-in-the-barracksReach out and text someone you served with, social connection saves lives
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Trading Spouses | EP03
Former West Point graduate Colonel Bates, and unhappily married SSgt. Torres trade spouses for a month. It doesn't take much time for these men to find out they'll be trading way more than just spouses.
See what happens when Enlisted family values collide with Officer expectations on "Trading S...