Jason Murff, founder of Grill Your Ass Off, cooks for VET Tv using his GYAO spices and sauces including the newest product, Sailor Jerry BBQ sauce.
Reach out and text someone you served with, social connection saves lives.
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Up Next in Season 3
22 DEC 2022: U.S. Department of Veter...
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Press Secretary Terrence Hayes sits with Mike Lavigne talks about the implementation of the Honor our PACT Act.
Reach out and text someone you served with, social connection saves lives.VET Tv gear
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15 DEC 2022: Sergeant Major of the Ar...
Sergeant Major of the Army Michael A. Grinston sits with Mike Lavigne in the first NCN interview with a service-level leader. SMA Grinston talks about the difficulty recruiting in 2022 and the dangers of engaging in the social media world.
Reach out and text someone you served with, social c... -
08 DEC 2022: John Wayne Troxell
John Wayne Troxell, formerly the highest ranking enlisted member of the Armed Forces, joins new host Mike Lavigne to talk about his 38 years of service and what comes after.
Reach out and text someone you served with, social connection saves lives.VET Tv gear