Who watches Sports? You know when the QB walks off the field after throwing the game winning touch down and that Fox news reporter chases him down to get an interview. That exactly like this...only they just walked out of Hell, get some.
Reach out and text someone you served with, social connection saves lives
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Up Next in Season 1
Planet Service
Saddle up with an attractive "British" voice narrating the gloriously ridiculous scenarios encountered by the United States Armed Forces. An episode unlike any other, viewers get a unique look into a world very few have ever witnessed, and even fewer will want to see again.
Watch all the seasons...
Military Justice
When a serious accusation of sexual assault comes up, the chain of command does its best rendition of sweating the small stuff. Nothing will stand in the way of First Sergeant Cortez taking every detour possible to avoid dealing with the most important issue at hand. Whether you simply stole a no...
Department of Offense | WW2 Stories Pt 1
The real, raw version of "Band of Brothers."
This is from episode 13 of Department of Offense. Watch the whole series here:
Reach out and text someone you served with, social connection saves livesVET Tv gear